Everyone in the Chatham GOP is a volunteer.
Please consider donating funds at this website:
The Chatham County Board of Elections during its January 21, 2025 meeting voted to rename New Hope Precinct to Jordan Lake Precinct. The voting place will continue to be Holland Chapel AME Church on Burgess Road. This was done to alleviate confusion with East Williams Precinct which votes at New Hope Baptist Church on New Hope Church Road. This needs to be approved by the state board,
Chatham County Republicans acknowledge our God-given rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. To that end, we are dedicated to protecting the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the NC State Constitution.
We support the right to freedom of religion, speech and self-defense. We recognize that property rights and capitalism have improved the human condition. We support free and fair elections where every citizen entitled to vote gets one full vote and has confidence in the election process.
We support candidates who strive to uphold our platform of fostering job creation, championing education excellence, balancing environmental stewardship with property rights and economic growth, and holding elected officials accountable to Chatham County residents.
We understand that sometimes compromise is needed to advance our vision of governance, but we expect our elected officials to keep their election promises to voters.
The Solution is You – The CCGOP recognizes and believes the most important solutions to Chatham County challenges are local and not found in Raleigh and Washington.
The CCGOP believes that we should:
Foster private-sector job creation
Align County resources to support a pro-job, pro-growth
- Support existing businesses and attract new businesses through a competitive tax structure and reasonable regulations.
Align County resources to support a pro-job, pro-growth
Champion education excellence with policies that put students first
- Insist upon a “student success” focus from our school leaders.
- Promote school choice to include charter, private, and home school expansion.
- Leverage the community college system so that students have the skill sets to compete in today’s marketplace and for advancing in higher education.
Balance environmental stewardship with individual property rights and economic growth
- Act as good stewards of Chatham’s natural resources while respecting its citizens, their personal liberty, their property rights, and their basic responsibility to provide for themselves and their families.
- Make decisions based on objective information, scientific data, and moral values.
Hold elected officials accountable to Chatham County residents
- Keep their election promises for a pro-job, pro-growth, pro-business County economy.
- Manage taxpayers’ dollars responsibly and with fiscal prudence.
- Execute governance that protects the freedom and independence of all constituents, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or creed.
Interested in more information?
Sign up for our Chair's newsletters. Send an email to [email protected]
Please consider donating time:
we have a list of volunteer positions at this website:
Email us!
Questions? Comments? Send them to [email protected].
Important Notice:
"The IRS does not allow contributions to the Chatham GOP to be deducted as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes."