The Fall Event @ the Barn in Fearrington. 10/3/2017. Join us. Click here for our flyer.
Featuring the BIG BAND sounds of the Ambassadors. Lots of Jazz & Dancing. Click here for their website.
The evening will be capped off by our Person of The Year Award. We will recognize and honor Walter Petty, a native of Chatham County and our district 5 commissioner.
We will have a cash bar, and hor'dorves provided by the Fearrington House Inn.
For this event, we are hoping to have a HUGE turnout, the likes of which Chatham County has never seen before ... to honor Walter and all he has done for Chatham County.
We have several sponsorship levels. $100 is a Friend of Chatham and includes 1 ticket, $250 is a Patron of Chatham and includes 2 tickets, and our top sponsor level is $400 and includes 2 tickets. Please consider being a sponsor for the evening [name mention in our website and program]. General admission tickets are for an individual.
2000 Fearrington Village Ctr
Pittsboro, NC 27312
United States
Google map and directions
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