60 days to election day

Absentee ballots. If you have requested an absentee ballot, those begin to get mailed on September 4. Absentee ballots are NOT AUTOMATICALLY sent to North Carolina voters. You may request an absentee ballot at https://www.chathamnc.org/home/showdocument?id=50995 or at https://www.ncsbe.gov. If you don’t receive a ballot about a week after requesting one, contact the board of elections at (919) 545-8500.

You can return your ballot by mail, or in person at the Board of Elections office (984 Thompson St, Pittsboro NC 27312), or in person at an early voting site. There are no ballot drop boxes. An individual may only return their own ballot, or that of a near relative (spouse, sibling, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, mother- father- daughter- or son-in-law, stepparent, stepchild, or legal guardian). NO ONE ELSE can legally return your ballot. If someone other than one of those tries to return your ballot, please contact the Chatham Republican Party at [email protected].

To check and see if your completed, returned ballot has been received, visit the North Carolina board of elections website at https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/.

If you ask for an absentee ballot and then later decide to vote in person - great! All you have to do is destroy your unsubmitted absentee ballot. Once you submit your absentee ballot, however, you are done. You cannot later vote in person or change your ballot.

Sample ballots. We will be sending Republican sample ballots in the next couple of weeks. Look for yours in the mail with our recommended candidates. Remember this year we have a multi-page ballot. You will need to vote all pages, all the way to the end of the ballot.

Precinct Chairs! Interested in going all-in to support conservative principles and candidates? Then consider becoming a Precinct Chair. We have openings in several precincts for this important organizing role. If you might be interested, send an email to [email protected] for more information.

Reagan Day meet-the-candidates. Due to the Governor’s restrictions on meetings during covid, we regret our 2020 Reagan Day Dinner must go ‘virtual’ this year. We have a full lineup of conservative candidates who will speak. Please plan on attending from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on September 19, 2020 via Zoom. I will send out the login information a few days before the event.

Volunteering. We hope to have volunteers at each of the early voting and election day sites, and as inside voting observers at each voting site. Both these roles are vitally important this year. We will need almost 6,000 volunteer hours to make that goal. We live in a free America now because our forefathers volunteered their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor over 200 years ago. It is our duty to honor their sacrifices. Please volunteer just a few (or more!) hours this election season to maintain the United States as the greatest country on earth. Go to https://www.chathamncgop.com/volunteer_2020 and let us know we can count on you between now and November.

Local Profiles in Courage. A special thanks this week to our two Chatham County Board of Elections members, Charles Ramos and Frank Dunphy. They stood up for conservative principles in the face of Democrat board member verbal attacks at the most recent board of elections meeting. Good job! Now, it is up to all of us to show courage for our principles in Chatham County.

Old Fashioned Farmers Day. Looking for something to do on Labor Day weekend? The 45th Old Fashioned Farmers Days at Silk Hope is happening on Saturday and Sunday. Many of our local Republican candidates will be around the broadcasters booth at 11:00 am on Saturday. Be sure to wear your MAGA hats. (Wait - you don't have a MAGA hat? Get one at the Chatham GOP headquarters in Pittsboro.)

Looking for something else to do? Our Orange County neighbors are having a 'BBQ, Bluegrass & The Bill of Rights' barbecue on October 3 in Hillsborough, to support the Judicial Candidates. More information is here: https://orange.nc.gop/bbq_and_bluegrass.

Finally this week, some historic words:

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
― Benjamin Franklin

Thanks for reading.

Terry Schmidt
Chair, Chatham County Republican Party
Exhaurire palude

70 days to election day

70 days until election. Have you thought about how you are going to cast your ballot this year?

In North Carolina, you have several methods to cast your vote.
On election day, November 3, you must vote in your precinct. MOST ELECTION-DAY VOTING LOCATIONS HAVE CHANGED THIS YEAR due to Covid precautions. Do not plan on going to the voting location you used in the past, as most likely it will be not be there. More on that in a later email.
For two weeks before election day, you can vote in-person at one of the early voting locations. I’ll put out more information about that in a couple weeks.
You can request an absentee ballot now. If for some reason you might not get to the polls in person, any registered voter can vote with an absentee ballot. That is a great primary or backup plan in case something happens and you can’t get to the polls. If you are not registered to vote, stop everything, right now, and do so. Go here and register. If you have not yet requested an absentee ballot, stop everything, right now, and do so. Go here now. If you later decide to vote in person, you do not have to send in your absentee vote, but now you have a backup plan. Ballots will start to be mailed on September 4. If you vote absentee you cannot later vote in person.
The North Carolina absentee ballot procedure seems to be secure. Each ballot will have a barcode that the voter can use to check the progress of the ballot from mailing to deliver to voting at the board of elections.
You can check your voters registration by going to this website: https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/

Early Voting. The days for early voting in each North Carolina county are determined by a unanimous vote of the Board of Elections members. This year the three Democrat members have pushed to expand early voting on Sunday. The three Republican members have voted against Sunday voting. Since they could not agree, the decision now goes to the State Board of Elections meeting on August 31. You can express your opinion at https://bit.ly/3ipadmf no later than noon on August 27. Please do so.

Reagan Day Dinner. Because we cannot plan on what edict will come next from Governor Cooper regarding coronavirus, we cannot hold this year’s Reagan Day dinner in person. Please plan on attending our virtual Reagan Day meet-the-candidate event on September 19. A future newsletter will have login information for the event.

Volunteer. We would like to have volunteers all day at every one of the polling places this year to hand out sample ballots and answer voter’s questions about candidates. Please consider spending some time with your fellow patriots this year, and volunteer for this important work. Simply go here and let us know if you can help.

From one of our nation’s Founding Fathers:
Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must … undergo the fatigue of supporting it.
― Tom Paine

Terry Schmidt
Chair, Chatham County Republican Party

China trade

Here is another piece by guest author 'RM' on China trade and Trump's success stories dealing with Communist China.  

80 days

80 days to Election Day.

We are in a culture war - a soft war that will determine our country’s future. Our forefathers fought and died for precious freedoms that we take for granted. Those freedoms are under attack, as are values we have long cherished. It seems like every four years someone says this is the most important election of our lifetimes. I am beginning to think that is true every four years, because the country as we know it is at risk every four years from those would turn America into a socialist nation. I learned a new term the other day - the ‘ratchet effect’ - meaning government never loosens any restrictions, but just tightens them further.
If you want to save our country - then VOTE.  If you are not registered to vote, stop everything, right now, and register. Go here and register.

If you have not yet requested an absentee ballot, stop everything, right now, and do so. Go here now. As of now we are satisfied that (in North Carolina at least) absentee ballots can be counted fairly. If you later decide to vote in person, you do not have to vote your absentee ballot, but now you must have a backup plan. Ballots will start to be mailed on September 4. 
If you want to help save our country, volunteer with the local Republican Party. We are all volunteers; we need your help in making phone calls, staffing the local headquarters, putting out signs, knocking on doors, handing out literature at the polls, and talking to our friends and neighbors. Please consider being a volunteer, and sign up at https://www.chathamncgop.com/volunteer_2020.
And finally, a modern fairy tale.
The Ant and the Grasshopper (credits to Ann Corcoran and Aileen)
Old Version
The ant works hard in the North Carolina summer heat, maintaining her home and laying in supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies in the cold.
Modern Version
The ant works hard in the North Carolina summer heat, maintaining her home and laying in supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and shivering.
North Carolina newspapers, television stations and Antifa show up to take pictures of the shivering grasshopper and post them on their Facebook pages next to a video of the ant in her cozy home with a table filled with food. Chatham progressives are stunned by the contrast.
Occupy the Anthill hires protestors to stage a demonstration on the Historic Courthouse Lawn.
Governor Cooper holds a press conference and publishes an executive order condemning the excesses of the ant, and promises executive action to redistribute the ant’s food. He blames President Trump, Senator Tillis, and every conservative everywhere for the grasshopper’s fate.
Finally, the Chatham County Board of Commissioners enacts an ordinance to prevent excessive storing of food, increases taxes on private property, and funds a committee to study how to help the grasshoppers in our community.
The ant moves out of Chatham County.

Crisis Election

Below is a thought-provoking article from a guest author ('RM') about the upcoming elections. Please read it and think about the consequences of this election season.

2020-A Crisis Election or Not?


90 Days

In 90 days we hold our elections. 
  • If you believe not being offended is more important than Freedom of Speech, then don’t vote.
  • If you don’t like guns and therefore believe no one else should have them, then don’t vote.
  • If you want your taxes to go up, then don’t vote.
  • If you want more activist judges who ignore the Constitution, then don’t vote.
  • If you want to see China gain increased power in the world, then don’t vote.
  • If you want to defund the police and see more violence in our cities, then don’t vote.
  • If you believe ‘fairness’ is more important than freedom, then don’t vote.
  • If you believe ‘equal outcome’ is more important than ‘equal opportunity’, then don’t vote.
  • If you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in a socialist nation, then don’t vote.

If you want to save our country - then VOTE. If you are not registered to vote, stop everything, right now, and do so. Go here and register. If you have not yet requested an absentee ballot, stop everything, right now, and do so. Go here and request an absentee ballot. If you later decide to vote in person, you do not have to vote absentee, but now you have a backup plan. Ballots will start to be mailed on September 4.

If you want to help save our country, please volunteer with the local Republican Party. We are all volunteers; we need your help in making phone calls, staffing the local headquarters, putting out signs, knocking on doors, handing out literature at the polls, and talking to our friends and neighbors. Please consider being a volunteer, and sign up at https://www.chathamncgop.com/volunteer_2020.

100 Days

In just 100 days we will elect a President, Congress, Governor, Council of State, Supreme Court justices, legislators, county commissioners, and school board members.

If you are not registered to vote, stop everything, right now, and do so. Go here and register.

If you have not yet requested an absentee ballot, stop everything, right now, and do so. Go here now. If you later decide to vote in person, you do not have to vote absentee, but now you have a backup plan. Ballots will start to be mailed on September 4.

Here is a video that explains the importance of re-electing President Trump, and says it much more eloquently thank I can in an email.

Do you think that the left is not planning an entirely different country should they win? Read this; it lists the demands of leftist organizations: release all criminals, defund the police, pay everyone for doing nothing, raise taxes, support radical social agendas. And then look at the list, towards the bottom of this document, of those organizations supporting this agenda. You may belong to some of those organizations. Do you want to reconsider your support for them?

If you have not yet decided that the socialists are coming for you, now is the time to educate yourself on the left's agenda, and to educate yourself on the conservative candidates. Here is a link to all the candidates, with photos, backgrounds, and their websites.

If you want to save our country - VOTE. If you have time or the means, consider contributing to a candidate, writing a letter to the editor, posting on Facebook, talking to your neighbors. Donate money to candidates or to the Republican Party if you can. Chatham County Republicans, all volunteers ourselves, can use your help in making phone calls, knocking on doors, handing out literature, staffing the polling places, working in the headquarters, and many more activities. You can sign up here.

If not you, then who? If not now, then when. We need to be brave in the face of an existential threat to the nation our founders envisioned.

And finally, for some encouraging words, watch this video from President Trump.

Independence Day 2020

Happy Independence Day 2020!

This weekend we remember the 244th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. May everyone have a safe and enjoyable holiday.
If you have not yet watched President Trump's speech at Mt. Rushmore, you must do so. It may be the best speech he has given, both in content and presentation. To see it in full go to this link
From his speech:
"It is time for our politicians to summon the bravery and determination of our American ancestors...we must protect and preserve our history, our heritage, and our great heroes. Here tonight before the eyes of our forefathers, Americans declare again, as we did 244 years ago, that we will not be tyrannized, we will not be demeaned, and we will not be intimidated by bad, evil people."
In just 120 days we will elect the next President of the United States. Here in Chatham County we will also elect a Governor, Cabinet of State, Supreme Court and other justices, county commissioners and school board members. This election will, like all elections, determine the fate of our country, our lives, and those of our descendants. There is a clear difference between conservative and constitutional government and that of the socialists, leftists, and anarchists who would destroy the system of government for which so many have fought and died, and for which we owe our gratitude. 
Americans could once be defined as a nation of people who held Liberty to be more important than their own lives.  Those Americans pledged their Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor to achieve Liberty, or to die in the attempt.  Not for their own sake, but for the sake of their posterity. We who now dare to call ourselves Americans have big shoes to fill.
I'm asking of you a few things.
First, if you are not registered to vote, do so now. Right now! Go to https://www.chathamncgop.com/register
Second, everyone should request an absentee ballot. We cannot predict how conditions in October and November will impact your ability to vote. One can always choose vote in person, but one cannot vote by absentee if that request has not been made. You do not have to vote absentee even if you have an absentee ballot, but that gives you an opportunity to do so. Then learn about the candidates and make your selections. Here is a link for more information about the candidates. Do not let yourself be unable to vote this fall.
Third, please consider how you can help. We need volunteers to work in our campaign headquarters, to make phone calls, to knock on doors, to assist outside voting locations, to observe ballot counting, to write letters, to provide advice, to donate funds, to speak with their neighbors. We need to be brave in the face of adversity, especially here in our home county. If you are able to volunteer time or funds, please let us know at https://www.chathamncgop.com/volunteer_2020 or email me at [email protected].
Lastly, pray for our Country, for our Leaders, for our military, and for our law enforcement officers. 
Terry Schmidt
  Chair, Chatham County Republican Party

Cross-country travel

I recently drove from North Carolina to Kansas on family business. Along the drive there were a lot of signs about the upcoming presidential election - and, except for one Biden bumper sticker beneath a Hillary bumper sticker on an old Volvo, the enthusiasm was all for re-electing President Trump. I guess that shows the national news networks may have it wrong on who is leading in the hearts of the electorate. It was also great to see all the American flags along Highway 64 (unfortunately only once you get out of Chatham County).

We observed some people wearing masks, but a lot more not wearing masks. In the Kansas county we visited almost no one was scared of the coronavirus, AND there have been zero cases of COVID-19.

Businesses are hurting because of shutdowns. My favorite Steak-n-Shake along the highway in St. Louis is closed permanently, and grass is growing in the sidewalk. Stores may never reopen. Hotels along the way seemed to be staying open but with much less business. Take-out fast food seems to be the rule, although the only restaurant in the town we visited was doing a booming sit-down business.

I think if you are concerned about the coronavirus for whatever reason, then stay home and try to stay safe. There is no absolute safety in life, though. Otherwise, take prudent precautions and lets get the country back in business.

Opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the Chatham County Republican Party official position.

Statement on Racism

Racism is evil. Period.
We do not support any group or cause that is based on racial stereotyping, racial characterizations, or racial origins. The race of an individual should not be a consideration. To call a person a "racist" is a very serious charge of heinous behavior and conduct.
As the Party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, and Reagan, we resoundingly believe that all citizens of the United States of America have the inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, and that these rights should be protected. And we fully understand that the rule of law and equal justice for all is the foundation of our civil rights.
Chatham County Republican Party
June 2020